Research Publications

International journal publications (SCI/JCR Indexing)

  1. Arijit karati, SK Hafizul Islam and Marimuthu Karuppiah (2018). Provably Secure and Lightweight Certificateless Signature Scheme for IIoT Environments. Accepted in IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics. (Indexing: SCI, Scopus; Impact Factor: 6.764)
  2. Xiong Li, Jianwei Niu, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Fan Wu, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari (2017). A Robust ECC based Provable Secure Authentication Protocol with Privacy Preserving for Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2017.2773666 (Indexing: SCI, Scopus; Impact Factor:6.764 )
  3. Arijit Karati, SK Hafizul Islam, G. P. Biswas, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Pandi Vijayakumar, Marimuthu Karuppiah (2017). Provably Secure Identity-based Signcryption Scheme for Crowd- sourced Industrial Internet of Things Environments. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2741580
  4. Rifaqat Ali, Arup Kumar Pal, Saru Kumari, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Mauro Conti(2017). A secure user authentication and key-agreement scheme using wireless sensor networks for agriculture monitoring. Future Generation Computer Systems(Elsevier). DOI: (Indexing: SCI, Scopus; Impact Factor: 3.997;SNIP: 3.323).
  5. Rajkumar Soundrapandian, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari, Sanjay Kumar Tyagi, Fan Wu and Ki-Hyun Jung(2017). An Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy based Multimodality Medical Image Fusion. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology(Wiley). DOI: 10.1002/ima.22216. (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.139;SNIP: 0.81).
  6. P Vijayakumar,P Pandiaraj, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Jegatha Deborah (2017). An efficient secure communication for healthcare system using wearable devices. Computer and Electrical Engineering(Elsevier). (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.084;SNIP: 1.164).
  7. Saru Kumari, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Ashok Kumar Das, Xiong Li, Fan Wu(2017). An enhanced authentication scheme using elliptic curve cryptography for IoT and cloud servers. The Journal of Supercomputing (Springer). DOI: (Indexing: SCI, Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.088;SNIP: 1.065).
  8. Fan Wu, Xiong Li, Lili Xu, Saru Kumari, Marimuthu Karuppiah and Jian Shen (2017). A lightweight and privacy-preserving mutual authentication scheme for wearable devices assisted by cloud server. Computer and Electrical Engineering(Elsevier). (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.084;SNIP: 1.164).
  9. Xiong Li, Jieyao Peng, Saru Kumari, Fan Wu, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo (2017). An Enhanced 1-Round Authentication Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks with User Anonymous. Computer and Electrical Engineering(Elsevier). DOI: (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.084;SNIP: 1.164).
  10. Saru Kumari, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Ashok Kumar Das, Xiong Li, Fan Wu, Jianghong Wei,(2017). A Secure ECC-based Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity for Session Initiation Protocol-based Communications. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing(Springer), DOI: 10.1007/s12652-017-0460-1 (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.835; SNIP: 1.048).
  11. Xiong Li, Jianwei Niu, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari, Fan Wu(2016). Secure and Effi- cient Two-factors User Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity for Network Based E-Health Care Applications. Journal of Medical Systems (Springer 40:268), DOI: 10.1007/s10916-016-0629-8. (Indexing: SCI, Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.213;SNIP: 1.407).
  12. Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari, Xiong Li, Fan Wu, Muhammad Khurram Khan, R Saravanan, Sayantani Basu,(2016). A Dynamic ID-based Generic Framework for Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Roaming Service in Global Mobility Networks. Wireless Personal Communication (Springer 93(2), PP. 383-407), DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3672-3. (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.701).
  13. Saru Kumari, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Xiong Li, Fan Wu, Ashok Kumar Das, Vanga Odelu (2016). A Secure Trust-Extended Authentication Mechanism for VANETs. Security and Communication Networks(Wiley), DOI: 10.1002/sec.1602. 9(17), PP.4255-4271
    (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.806).
  14. Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari, Ashok Kumar Das, Xiong Li, Fan Wu, Sayantani Basu,(2016). A Secure Lightweight Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity for Roaming Service in Ubiquitous Networks. Security and Communication Networks (Wiley), DOI:10.1002/sec.1598. 9(17), PP.4192-4209 (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.806).
  15. Marimuthu Karuppiah(2016). Remote User Authentication Scheme using Smart card: A Review. International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology,(Inderscience), 9(2/3): 107-120. 9(17), PP.3527-3542
    (Indexing:Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI)-Thomson Reuters, Scopus; SNIP: 0.19).
  16. Fan Wu, Lili Xu, Saru Kumari, Xiong Li, Ashok Kumar Das, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Renuka Baliyan(2016). A novel and provably secure authentication and key agreement scheme with user anonymity for global mobility networks. Security and Communication Networks(Wiley), DOI: 10.1002/sec.1558. (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.806).
  17. Marimuthu Karuppiah and R Saravanan. A secure authentication scheme with user anonymity for roaming service in global mobility networks. Wireless Personal Communications(Springer), 84(3):2055–2078, 2015.
    (Indexing: SCI Expanded, Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.701).

Internaltional Journal Publications (SCOPUS Indexing)

  1. Balamurugan P, Viswa Bharathy AM, Marimuthu K, Niranchana R (2018). TYPE-SPECIFIC CLASSIFICATION OF BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMAS USING BI-LAYER MUTATED PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (Inderscience). Article in Press. (Indexing: Scopus; SNIP: 0.325)
  2. P Balamurugan, Marimuthu Karuppiah, A Mummoorthy, Viswabharathi and Niranchana R (2018). Consistent and Effective Energy Utilization of Node Model for Securing Data in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing(Inderscience), Article in Press (Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI)-Thomson Reuters, Scopus; SNIP: 0.629)
  3. Sayantani Basu, Marimuthu Karuppiah, S Rajkumar, R. Niranchana (2017). Modification of AES using Genetic Algorithms for High-Definition Image Encryption. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications(Inderscience), Article in Press. (Indexing: Scopus, EI; Impact Factor: SNIP: 0.309)
  4. Asha Jerlin, Marimuthu Karuppiah (2018). A New malware detection system using machine learning for API call sequence. Journal of Applied Security Research(Taylor & Francis), 13(1), 1–9. (Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI)-Thomson Reuters, Scopus; SNIP: 0.248)
  5. Amit Patil, K Marimuthu, Nagaraja Rao A, R Niranchana (2017). Comparative study of cloud platforms to develop a Chatbot. Accepted in International Journal of Engineering & Technology. (Indexing: Scopus; Impact Factor: SNIP: 0.00).
  6. Akshat Pradhan, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Niranchana R, Asha Jerlin M and Rajkumar S (2017). Design and Analysis of Smart Card based Authentication Scheme for Secure Transactions. Accepted in International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions(Inderscience) (Indexing: Scopus; Impact Factor: SNIP: 3.323).
  7. P.Vijaya Kumar, Perumal Pandiaraja, B Balamurugan and Marimuthu Karuppiah(2016). A Novel Performance enhancing Task Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud based E-Health Environment. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC),(IGI-Global), Article in press. (Indexing: ACM Digital Lib, Scopus; SNIP: 0.36).
  8. Marimuthu Karuppiah and R Saravanan. Cryptanalysis and an improvement of new remote mutual authentication scheme using smart cards. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography(Taylor & Francis), 18(5):623–649, 2015.
    (Indexing: Scopus; SNIP: 0.09).
  9. Marimuthu Karuppiah and R Saravanan. A secure remote user mutual authentication scheme using smart cards. Journal of Information Security and Applications(Elsevier), 19(4):282–294, 2014.
    (Indexing:Scopus; SNIP: 0.85).
  10. P. Boominathan, Marimuthu K, Apoorva Shenoy, Garima Hooda and Satish Reddy. An Approach towards Defense of DDOS Attacks in Cloud Computing using Confidence based Filtering and Hop Count Filtering Techniques. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 9(20), 7177–7190, 2014.
    (Indexing: Scopus; SNIP: 0.12).
  11. Marimuthu K, D Ganesh Gopal, Ginni Malik and P Boominathan. A Secured Cloud System and Log Records based on 2LE. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,9(20), 7435–7451, 2014.
    (Indexing: Scopus; SNIP: 0.12).
  12. Marimuthu K, D Ganesh Gopal, Harshita Mehta and Aditya Rajan, P Boominathan, “A Novel way of integrating voice recognition and one-time passwords to prevent password phishing attacks. 2/5 International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems, 5(4), 11–20, 2014.
  13. Upadhyaya P, Anjana V, V Jain V, Marimuthu K, Ganesh Gopal D. Practical System for Querying Encrypted Data on the Cloud. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5(2), 0975–4024, 2013.
    (Indexing: Scopus; SNIP: 0.36)
  14. Gupta S, Rajkumar S, Vijayarajan V, Marimuthu K. Quantitative Analysis of various Image Fusion techniques based on various metrics using different Multimodality Medical Images. International Journal of Engineering and Technology,5(1), 2013.
    (Indexing: Scopus; SNIP: 0.36)
  15. Sriram Ramanujam, Marimuthu Karuppiah. Designing an algorithm with high Avalanche Effect. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 11(1) 106–111, 2011.
    (Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)-Thomson Reuters, EBSCOHOST).
  16. Marimuthu K, Ganesh Gopal D. A Novel Approach for Efficient Resource Utilization and Trustworthy Web Service. International Journal of Computer Science and Security, 5(2), 168–180, 2011.

Internaltional Journal Publications (miscellaneous)

  1. P Thanapal, K Marimuthu, S Rajkumar, R Niranchana (2017). Smarter Way to Access Multiple Mobile Cloud Applications without Interoperability Issues. International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies(IJWMT), 7(5), pp. 32–39. (Indexing: EBSCOHOST, Google scholar, DOAJ).
  2. K Marimuthu, Anuj Shankar, Rashmi Ranganathan and Niranchana R (2017). Product Opinion Analysis Using Text Mining And Analysis. International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Com- munications (Inderscience), Article in press . (Indexing: EBSCOHOST, Google scholar, DOAJ).
  3. Rushikesh Shingade, K Marimuthu, Nagaraja Rao A and R Niranchana (2017). Healthcare Prod- ucts Management and System Analysis in Cloud Computing Environment (Salesforce). Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology(ACST), 10(19), pp.2823–2834 (Indexing: EBSCOHOST, Google scholar, DOAJ).
  4. Niketan Jivane, Supriya Jivane, S.Rajkumar and K.Marimuthu (2016). Enhancement of An Algorithm To Extract Text-Lines From Images For Blind And Visually Impaired Persons Through Parallel Approach. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 4(9), pp. 26–34. (Indexing: CiteSeerX, DOAJ.
  5. Marimuthu K, D Ganesh Gopal, Harshita Mehta and Aditya Rajan, P Boominathan, “A Novel way of integrating voice recognition and one-time passwords to prevent password phishing attacks. International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems, 5(4), 11–20, 2014. (Indexing: EBSCOHOST, Google scholar, DOAJ).
  6. Sriram Ramanujam, Marimuthu Karuppiah . Designing an algorithm with high Avalanche Effect. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 11(1) 106–111, 2011. (Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)-Thomson Reuters, EBSCOHOST).
  7. Marimuthu K, Ganesh Gopal D. A Novel Approach for Efficient Resource Utilization and Trustworthy Web Service. International Journal of Computer Science and Security, 5(2), 168–180, 2011. (Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)-Thomson Reuters, EBSCOHOST).
  8. B Balamurugan, K Marimuthu, S Rajkumar, Mamdouh Alenezi and R Niranchana (2016). Is cloud secure?. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 4(10), 126–129, 2016 (Indexing: CiteSeerX, DOAJ)

International conferences publications

  1. Niranchana Radhakrishnan, Marimuthu Karuppiah, P Vijayakumar and Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan (2017). Security on ’A lightweight authentication scheme with user untraceability’. Third International Symposium on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications , Guangzhou, China. DOI: 10.1007978-3-319-72395-2 4 5
  2. Arvind Pillai, S Rajkumar, K Marimuthu, G Rajasekaran(2017). Adaptive new top-hat transform and multi-scale sequential toggle operator based infrared image enhancement. Accepted in International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies 2017, India.
  3. Akshat Pradhan, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Niranchana R and P.VijayKumar (2016). Secure protocol for Subscriber Identity Module. Proc, in ICRTCCM’17, Tindivanam, India.
  4. Marimuthu Karuppiah, Akshat Pradhan, Saru Kumari, Ruhul Amin and Rajkumar S (2016). Security on "Secure Remote Login Scheme with Password and Smart Card Update Facilities". Proc. in ICMC 2017, Kolkata, India.
  5. Saru Kumari, Marimuthu Karuppiah(2016). Security Problems of a 'More Secure Remote User Authentication Scheme'. Proc. in ICACCCT-2016, pp. 521–522, Ramanathapuram,India.
  6. Amutha Prabakar M, M Karthikeyan, K Marimuthu, “An efficient technique for preventing SQL injection attack using pattern matching algorithm” , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication and Nanotechnology (ICE-CCN), 2013. IEEE. (Scopus)
  7. K.Marimuthu, D.Ganesh Gopal ,Shivam Aditya ,Varun Mittal. Cryptanalysis of oPass. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT)-2014, PP 1945-1950. (Scopus)
  8. K.Marimuthu, D.Ganesh Gopal , K.Sashi Kanth ,Srujay Setty, Kunal Tainwala. Scalable and Secure Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in Cloud. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies(ICACCCT)-2014, PP. 1697–1701. (Scopus)

Book Chapters

  1. Balamurugan B, Tamizh arasi, Reddy R, Aishwarya T, Thusitha M and Marimuthu Karuppiah( 2016), Enhancing Quality of service in Cloud Gaming System : An Active Implementation Framework for Enhancing Quality of Service in Multi-Player Cloud Gaming. In P.Venkata Krishna, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Cloud-Based Gaming (Article in press). Pennsylvania (USA): IGI Global publisher. (Indexing: Scopus)

Books Published

  1. Marimuthu Karupiah, Rama Bhagwatrao Gaikwad and R. Niranchan, Computer Organization & Architectures, ISBN: 978-93-86532-49-7, Charulatha Publishers, Chennai, India.