Teaching Experience
Present Employment
- Institute: SCOPE, VIT University, Vellore, India.
- Designation: Associate Professor
- Duration: 3rd December, 2008 - present
- Current Course(s):
- CSE309 - Programming Language Translator.
- CSE1001 - Problem Solving and Programming(C, Python).
Previous Courses taught
- CSE208 - Theory of Computation
- CSE1003 - Digital Logic and Design(Embedded Lab)
- Real time systems[BTech-CSE]
- Network security[Btech-CSE]
- Data structures[Btech-CSE]
Previous Employment
- Institute : Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram, TN, India.
- Designation : Senior Lecturer.
- Department : Computer Science and Engineering.
- Duration : March 2005 - November 2008.
- Responsibilities :
- Teaching
- Research
- Administrative
- Courses taught :
- Principles of Compiler Design
- Theory of Computation
- Data Structures
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Computer Architectures
- Database Management systems
- Operating Systems
- Network Security and Cryptography
- Fundamentals of Computer Programming